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Aluminium Wall Cladding for Schools

Innovative Aluminium Cladding for Schools and Education Sector Projects.

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    Finish Facades works with education facilities to deliver customised and high-quality cladding solutions for schools, colleges and universities. Whether you are looking for an internal design or an exterior modern school facade, Our professional team understands the importance of creating a welcoming and engaging, educational and teaching school environment for teachers and students. Our cladding systems will contribute towards enhancing the building's appearance, whether internally or externally.

    We ensure that our cladding panel materials meet the regulatory standards while providing effective weather resistance and thermal insulation, prioritising longevity and quality for your school refurbishment cladding project.

    What are the Key Benefits of our Cladding?

    Our Cladding's Safety

    At Finish Facades, we aim to provide a piece of mind when concerning the safety of the school's facade design, so all of our cladding is CWCT tested and EN 13501-1 certified, achieving an A1 or A2-S1, d0 status. This ensures that it is a safe solution for your building or structure, specifically when involving the typical UK weather conditions, exposure to fire and meeting our standards and industry regulations.

    Our Cladding's Durability

    As well as safety, we understand the importance of cladding durability. All of our cladding endures water tightness and wind load testing, with the intention of identifying the possible causes of facade failure and directing our attention to them, meaning that any issues can be addressed before installation and reduces the risk of any future damage or costly repairs.

    The cladding system must pass industry standards before distribution.

    Our Cladding's Energy-Efficiency 

    The thermal cavity of our cladding, created by a rainscreen system, helps maintain consistent temperatures throughout the year, enhancing thermal resistance and reducing heat loss during the colder seasons. Additionally, our cladding will help to reduce energy consumption and lower the heating and cooling costs for the building. When concerning water penetration, the cladding systems protects insulation, maintaining consistent ventilation within the building.

    We Cater to Bespoke Projects

    Our expert team at Finish Facades will help you to determine the requirements and the parameters of your project. We will advise you and give you recommendations to ensure that the system is suitable for your building or project. For example, shape, size, thickness and direction of the panel are all decided in consideration of the project's requirements. Additionally, we also offer a range of textures, finishes and effects to ensure that the performance and appearance of the cladding will maintain its quality and follow the relevant standards.

    Ease of Installation

    Installing cladding systems has never been so simple, as our cladding is designed to remove the time-consuming hassle of a difficult installation. Our Pinnacle Cassette Hook On Rainscreen System is an example of one of our designs, as the integrated slots allow for fast and easy hook-on mounting and dismounting, allowing for the removal of isolated panels for any maintenance requirements.

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    Our Specialist Cladding Systems

    Enhance your Education Cladding Project with Finish Facades

    Our cladding solutions at Finish Facades are designed to ensure durability but also enhance the visual appeal of your building. We are proud to deliver the highest quality, bespoke cladding for educational buildings with stand-out solutions for schools and other educational facilities.

    View our portfolio of case studies to see our previous clients' successful projects, perfectly demonstrating how well our cladding solutions have worked for them and our ability to adapt to a variety of architectural styles and requirements.

    Contact us to find out more.

    Why Partner with Us?

    Finish Facades is an experienced and reputable facade supplier, driven by a knowledgeable team for the design, manufacture and installation of cladding systems. When working with us, you can expect:


    • Compliance with current industry standards.
    • Customisable designs and a tailored service.
    • High-quality and precision-made facade systems.
    • Close collaboration and communication throughout.
    • Environmentally sustainable and fire-safe products.
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    Featured Case Study

    (Heathrow) Premier Inn Reclad

    Premier Bg

    An ambition to deliver a transformational identity to the Premier Inn company, with the supply of.1.5Million reclad, 2,500sqm of 3mm solid Aluminium recess fix panels to replace current ACM panels.